Monday, 9 March 2009

Awesome Marketing Monkeys!!!

Awesome!! Awesome!!

Those were my words when I made the discovery. That little viral marketing website that is showcasing Bioshock 2 is receiving updates. 

The plot thickens as more information is released. Girls are disappearing like gumdrops. Light seems to be moving south along the coast. 

Check back every once in a while to see what those crazy marketing people do next.


Sunday, 8 March 2009

An Enigmatic Approach

It's been a while since I've posted about my interactive digital form of entertainment.......Video Games!! That so deserved capitals. 

Anyways, I'm just writing to inform my fellow gaming brethren that a few new tidbits about anticipated games have been floated out by their respective companies and have made their way onto the internet.

I'm sure that all have seen the teaser trailer for Mass Effect 2 but if you haven't go give it a look.

Another tantalising tease regarding another highly anticipated game has become available. All I'm gonna say is check this site out. It may take a while to load so be patient.


Sunday, 1 March 2009

Whoa!! Whoa!! Whoa!!!!!

U.S. police brutality is once again in the spotlight. It occured in Seattle, which is just a bit too far north for my my North vs. South prejudice.

Apparently the detainee 'assaulted' the officer and he, in turn, responded with an act of force in order to prevent further damage to his person. Now I just want to say that I tend to be quite impartial when observing events and I am definitely not somebody who leaps at the chance to criticise authority. In this case however, let's just say that I would not want to be the police officer's defense attorney.

Also don't blame the random dude who kinda goes along with it. He is just a trainee and is, I hope, too stunned and unsure to actually stop the insane man.

Check the events out here to see what happened.

p.s. I'm sure the reader who is boycotting the BBC can get the video source at other news sites or youtube :p