Monday, 11 May 2009

Shadow of the Colossus with friends?

Okay, so I'm posting about a new game coming out which looks amazing. Now let me acknowledge that there are quite a few games coming out in the near future which look fantastic but this one has got me quite buzzed because of what it could potentially deliver. It may end up not being that great however at the moment it is nothing less than spun gold. The game is Lost Planet 2 and the console is 360 (YES!!). 

Now the reason that the game has gotten me so excited is because it reminds me, in some ways, of the masterpiece that is Shadow of the Colossus. Now the game will most probably not have the artistic glory of shadow of the colossus nor its hauntingly beautiful story however it seems to have taken one of its core gameplay mechanics and decided to implement it with a wider scope. 

Basically what it seems to be demonstrating is a team, co-op of up to at least 4 players, trying to take down this behemoth-like creature. Alone the players are useless but with proper strategy the Davids may take out the monstrous Goliath. Enough talk as one should most definitely watch the trailer right here. (watch trailer in HD if your connection can handle it as the visuals are spectacular)

I hope my readers will be as excited as I am for I foresee that, barring one of them being stupid and going and getting a job in some third world country, we shall enjoy killing monstrous things together.

PS - the makers of shadow of the colossus and ICO are working on a new IP which should be debuted at this years E3.